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SOA requirements for obtaining certification

General requirements
These are the requirements set out in Article 78 of (Italian) Presidential Decree no. 207 of 05 October 2010 as amended by Article 80 of (Italian) Legislative Decree no. 50 of 18 April 2016, as amended, listed below for information purposes:
- Registration in the Register of Companies and no insolvency procedures (bankruptcy, arrangements with creditors, etc.).
- Regularity and no serious infringements in the performance of business activities (no serious errors in the execution of public works, tax irregularities, false declarations, serious safety infringements, or disqualification penalties, etc.).
- No false declarations with intent or gross negligence.
- Compliance with the rule governing the right to work of disabled people.
- Valid single insurance contribution payment certificate (DURC).
- No convictions or prohibitive measures issued against the parties referred to in Article 80, paragraph 3 of (Italian) Legislative Decree no. 50 of 18 April 2016.
Special economic and financial requirements
Adequate technical suitability, a requirement of Article 79 of (Italian) Presidential Decree 207/2010, is deemed as met if the company can prove:
- Positive equity in relation to the last financial statements filed (only for entities required to file financial statements);
- Appropriate bank references;
- To have accrued, over the last fifteen years of activity, a turnover of works of not less than 100% of the amounts of the required qualifications;
- To have incurred, over the last fifteen years of activity, employee costs amounting to at least 15% of the turnover of works, at least 40% of which is for manual workers, or to have incurred, over the last fifteen years of activity, employees costs amounting to at least 10% of the turnover of works, at least 80% of which is for technical staff with a university degree or diploma;
- To have incurred, over the last fifteen years of activity, technical equipment costs of at least 2% of the turnover of works, at least 40% of which is for permanent equipment.

Special technical requirements
Adequate technical suitability, a requirement of Article 79 of (Italian) Presidential Decree 207/2010, is deemed as met if the company can prove:
- Appropriate technical management;
- To have carried out, over the last fifteen years of activity and for each individual category subject to certification, works for an amount not less than 90% of that of the required classification;
- To have carried out, over the last 15 years of activity and for each category subject to certification, at least one single work for an amount not less than 40% of the amount of the qualification required, or at least two works for an amount not less than 55% of the amount of the qualification required, and at least three works for an amount not less than 65% of the amount of the qualification required.