What is SOA certification?

SOA qualification is the certification that authorises a company in the construction sector to participate in public tenders by category and amount classification. SOA certification is mandatory for any company intending to carry out public works assigned by contracting authorities, either directly or by subcontracting, for amounts of €150,000 or more.

Companies wishing to obtain the qualification certificate must sign a contract with the SOA, which will carry out the necessary investigation and checks to verify the requirements.

During the preliminary qualification investigation, the certifying body is required to verify the truthfulness and substance of all declarations and documents produced by the company before issuing the SOA certificate, either by querying information systems or by contacting the organisation directly. The procedure for obtaining qualification is particularly complex and detailed. This is why Esna Soa guarantees maximum support to ensure the certification process is as quick and efficient as possible.

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Everything you need to know about SOA qualifications and categories

Everything you need to know about SOA qualification and works categories. SOA qualification is mandatory certification for companies intending to carry out public works assigned by contracting authorities, either directly or by subcontracting, for amounts exceeding 150,000 euros. SOA certification is issued for specific categories of works, understood as a set of works, classified according to amounts.
SOA categories

OG2, OS2A-B, OS25
Cultural Heritage

SOA categories

Technological Installations

SOA certification

Permanent consortium and business network

Requirements for SOA qualification

Allegato II.12 – D.Lgs. n.36/2023: General requirements and Special requirements

SOA classifications for public works

List of SOA categories and Classifications

Other information on important contents

Quality certification

SOAs are entrusted with the task of certifying the existence, for subjects qualified for the execution of public works, of quality system certification conforming with the European standard UNI EN ISO 9001

SOA Technical Management

Technical management is the body responsible for the technical and organisational tasks necessary for carrying out the works.

Triennial verification

Duration of qualification is five years, with a review of the general and structural capacity requirements to be carried out within the third year.

SOA certification fee

The minimum fee payable to SOAs for certification activities is determined by a precise formula. You can calculate in real time what the calculation for your certification amounts to.