Qualification in categories OG2 - OS2A-B, OS25

In 2017, the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism (MiBACT), in agreement with the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (MIT), issued Ministerial Decree 154/2017, effective from 11/11/2017, establishing the requirements that companies must meet to qualify and participate in public works contracts involving property protected under the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape (Legislative Decree 42/2004), attributable to SOA categories OG2, OS2A and B and OS25.

Scope of application

Article 1 of the decree sets out the scope of application:
  • Archaeological excavation works (including underwater archaeological surveys) – OS25;
  • Monitoring, maintenance and restoration of immovable cultural heritage property – OG2;
  • Monitoring, maintenance and restoration of movable cultural heritage property, decorated architectural surfaces, historicised material of immovable property – OS2A-OS2B

Technical suitability

Technical suitability is governed by Article 7 and is demonstrated by the presence of all the requirements listed below:
  • Appropriate technical management, possibly coinciding with the company’s ownership;
  • Completion of works for a total amount of not less than 70% of the amount of the classification for which qualification is requested, without the need to demonstrate leading works.
The provisional unlimited use of works certificates for qualification purposes is permitted, provided that the principle of continuity in the execution of works is respected, as proof of the current suitability to carry out works in the category for which certification is requested, or provided that the company’s technical management has remained unchanged.

Works certificates

For the purposes of qualification for works on property in categories OG 2, OS 2-A, OS 2-B, OS 24 and OS 25, carried out for public or private clients or on one’s own account, Article 4 provides that the works certificate issued to the contractors must also contain the certificate of the authority responsible for protecting the property in question attesting to the success of the work carried out.

Qualification requirements of the technical director

Article 13 of the Ministerial Decree defines the qualification requirements for the technical director, depending on the specific qualification category.

Category OG2

Restoration and maintenance of listed buildings
For category OG2, technical management must be assigned to an architect registered in section A of the register or to a graduate in cultural heritage property conservation (master’s degree). Again with regard to category OG2, anyone who on 1 March 2000 (the date on which (Italian) Presidential Decree 34/2000 on the qualification system for public works contractors came into force) was already acting as technical director, which can be proved with a certificate of registration in the Italian National Register of Builders (in category 3A or G2), may retain the post with the same company. A minimum of 2 years’ experience in the field of works on cultural heritage property covered by this regulation is also required

Category OS2A

Decorated surfaces and immovable cultural heritage property and movable cultural heritage property of historical, artistic, archaeological and ethno-anthropological interest

Category OS2-B

Movable cultural heritage property of archival and book interest
For works on OS2A decorated surfaces and OS2B movable cultural heritage property of archival and book interest, the role of technical director must be held by restorers of cultural heritage property holding a diploma issued by schools of higher education and study, or by persons holding a master’s degree in conservation and restoration of cultural heritage property. A minimum of 2 years’ experience in the field of works on cultural heritage property covered by this regulation is also required. In the OS 2-A and OS 2-B categories, restorers of cultural heritage property who have acquired the relevant qualification according to the rules laid down in the transitional provisions of the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape (Article 182), and who are included in the special list of restorers drawn up by MiBACT, available at the following link, may also act as technical director:  https://dger.beniculturali.it/professioni/restauratori-di-beni-culturali/ 

Category OS25

Archaeological excavations
For OS25 archaeological excavations it is necessary to possess the qualifications laid down in the Ministerial Decree referred to in Article 25, paragraph 2 of the (Italian) Public Contracts Code. Verification of possession of a suitable qualification is carried out by consulting the special list prepared by MiBACT, available at the following link: https://professionisti.beniculturali.it/elenco-professioni-non-regolamentate A minimum of 2 years’ experience in the field of works on cultural heritage property covered by this regulation is also required.