Qualification in category OG 11

(Italian) Presidential Decree 207/2010 establishes that the category OG11: TECHNOLOGICAL SYSTEMS concerns, within the limits set out in Article 79, paragraph 16, the supply, installation, management and maintenance of a set of coordinated and functionally interconnected technological systems that cannot be executed separately, as referred to in the specialised works categories identified by the acronyms OS 3, OS 28 and OS 30.

For a work to be considered in category OG11, it must be jointly composed of the three categories of specialised works identified in the description and these specialised works must reach a minimum percentage with respect to the overall amount of the work.
  • The minimum percentage for category OS3 is at least 10% and at least 25% each for categories OS28 and OS30.
  • Certificates of works with these characteristics must indicate the total amount of the works carried out in the abovementioned general category, as well as the breakdown of this amount into the individual specialist categories.
  • To obtain qualification in category OG11, it is not permitted to use certificates of works issued exclusively in the individual specialisations OS3, OS28 and OS30.
For qualification in category OG11, the company must demonstrate that it has carried out works in category OG11, where in each of the categories of specialised works identified by the acronym OS3, OS28 and OS30, at least 40% of the amount of works is in category OS3 and at least 70% is in categories OS28 and OS30 with respect to the amount corresponding to the required classification. The company must therefore document the execution of works for an amount of not less than 90% with respect to the three specialist categories OS3, OS28 and OS30 and therefore the execution of works in OS3 for an amount equal to 90% of 40% of the required classification in OG11, OS28 and OS30 for an amount equal to 90% of 70% of the same classification required in OG11.

Leading works

With regard to the leading works, the company is therefore required to prove that it has carried out one job in OS3 equal to 40% of 40% of the required OG11 classification and one job in OS28 and OS30 respectively equal to 40% of 70% of the same classification, or 2 jobs equal to 55% of the required percentages for each of the specialist categories (40% or 70%), or 3 jobs equal to 65% of the same percentages. A company qualified in category OG 11 can carry out work in each of the OS3, OS28 and OS30 categories for the classification corresponding to the one held. With (Italian) Ministerial Decree 248/2016, the OG11 category has become a highly specialised category (SIOSS): it cannot be subject to pooling pursuant to Article 89 of (Italian) Legislative Decree 50/2016 and must necessarily be possessed for execution purposes (cannot be fully subcontracted).

Read more about quality certification in SOA certifications.