Esna Soa | Certification body

SOA certification: qualification of companies for the award and execution of public works.

Esna Soa, the leading Italian body for the certification of qualification for the execution of public works contracts. An independent and solid history, built on transparency and the consistency of daily work.

Esna Soa | Organismo di Attestazione S.p.A. | C.F. / CCIAA di Padova 02859640241 – P.iva 03588530281

Over 20 years of history, always looking to the future:
Esna Soa continues to grow, a reference point for those who want to give value to their work.

Esna Soa, the Italian leader in SOA certification

Over 20 years of experience have seen ESNA SOA become a leader in the SOA certification market. We are an independent and solid organisation. Our history is built on the transparency and consistency of our daily work and through the reliability and quality of service we provide. We strive to give value to our clients’ work. Today we lead the market, with more than 40,000 certificates issued. With our team of over 50 employees, we certify the work of 2700 customers throughout Italy, with 9 operating offices in Padua, Turin, Milan, Trento, Bolzano, Udine, Rome, Barletta and Cortina d’Ampezzo.

The latest news from Esna Soa

Highlighted news

Fascicolo virtuale dell’operatore economico – FVOE

Il Fascicolo Virtuale dell’Operatore Economico, come sancito dalla Delibera 262/2023, permette alle Stazioni Appaltanti, agli Enti aggiudicatori ed alle SOA, attraverso un’interfaccia web integrata con i servizi di cooperazione applicativa

Everything you need to know about SOA qualifications and categories

Everything you need to know about SOA qualification and works categories. SOA qualification is mandatory certification for companies intending to carry out public works assigned by contracting authorities, either directly or by subcontracting, for amounts exceeding 150,000 euros. SOA certification is issued for specific categories of works, understood as a set of works, classified according to amounts.
SOA categories

OG2, OS2A-B, OS25
Cultural Heritage

SOA categories

Technological Installations

SOA certification

Permanent consortium and business network

Requirements for SOA qualification

Allegato II.12 – D.Lgs. n.36/2023: General requirements and Special requirements

SOA classifications for public works

List of SOA categories and Classifications

Our operating offices



Via Ermes di Colloredo, 7 | 33100 - Udine


Via R. Lunelli, 48 | 38121 - Trento


Via Cav. Brunetto, 31 | 10070 - S. Maurizio Canavese (TO)


Via Sistina, 121 | 00187 - Roma


Via N. Tommaseo, 67 | 35131 - Padova


Via Guido d’Arezzo, 6 | 20145 - Milano
Cortina D'Ampezzo (BL)

Cortina D'Ampezzo (BL)

Piazza Largo Poste, 24 | 32043 Cortina d'Ampezzo (BL)


Via Cappuccini, 5 | 39100 Bolzano
Barletta (BT)

Barletta (BT)

Via Agostino Depretis, 3 | 76121 Barletta (BT)

One of our sales staff will be on hand to explain the SOA certification process to you.