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Quality certification
SOAs are entrusted with the task of certifying the existence, for subjects qualified for the execution of public works, of quality system certification conforming with the European standard UNI EN ISO 9001 and with the national regulations in force, issued by accredited bodies in accordance with the European standard UNI CEI EN 17020; this certification must follow the requirements set out in the SINCERT RT-05 document for the EA 28 sector. Pursuant to Article 63, paragraph 1 of (Italian) Presidential Decree 207/2010, such certification is compulsory for certification classifications higher than II.

The contents of quality certificates
In resolution no. 11 of 14 May 2003, the Italian Authority for the Supervision of Public Works established that:
- Quality certification issued by a body accredited by ACCREDIA (Italian National Accreditation Body) in the EA 28 sector must be issued in accordance with the requirements of the SINCERT RT-05 document (Rev. 05 of 13 May 2002 and subsequent revisions) with wording such as ‘Quality management system conforming to ISO 9001 standard assessed according to the requirements of the SINCERT RT-05 document’ or equivalent wording or solutions, as well as with the following wording: ‘This certification is intended to refer to the company’s overall management aspects and can be used for the purposes of qualifying construction companies […]’;
- Agreement/contract entered into with the accredited body or by an accreditation body other than ACCREDIA, or even directly by ACCREDIA, by means of a memorandum of understanding between ACCREDIA and the accreditation body.
Statutory economic bonus
Through the quality certification process, and in compliance with some additional requirements, it is possible to obtain the statutory economic bonus mechanism (Article 80 of (Italian) Presidential Decree 207/2010) and, during the tender, the following benefits:
- 50% reduction of the ‘provisional’ deposit and guarantee in case of award;
- Higher evaluation when awarding contracts using the economically most advantageous tender criterion.